
Akram Farhadi, PhD
Born in 1981, Iranian, Married, Have 1 son
Personal Data:
Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Nutrition
0098( 0)9171756338
ak. farhadi@Gmail.com
Academic profile:
Diploma, “Empirical Science “
Hadith High School , Bushehr , Iran
Bachelor of Science, “Physical Therapy”
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Thesis: "Investigating the effect of massage in treating Trigger points"
Master of Science, "Rehabilitation "
University of social welfare and Rehabilitation science ,Tehran, Iran ( 18.94)
Thesis: "The Effect of Healthy Lifestyle Education on the Quality of Life of Rural"
Doctor of Philosophy, "Gerontology”
University of Social welfare and Rehabilitation science ,Tehran, Iran ( 19/38)
Thesis: " Self-appraisal of caregiving in family caregivers of older adults with dementia: . A convergent parallel mixed methods design "
Chair of Vice-chancellor for Research & Technology. Bushehr University of Medical Sciences
2022- Present
Chair of Deputy of Culture and Student Affairs. Bushehr University of Medical Sciences
Assistant Professor, Department of Health education, School of Health and Nutrition, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
2017- 2021
Member of University Ethics Committee, , Bushehr University of Medical Sciences
2017- 2021
EDO responsible of factually of nursing and midwifery, Bushehr university of medical science
2017- 2021
Member of the University's Review Committee, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences
2017- present
Member of the Graduate Committee of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences
2017- 2021
Member of the Educational Change Transformation Committee, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences
2017- present
Collaboration with the Student Research Committee in conducting research workshops
2017- present
Responsible for continuing education of the Nursing school
2017- 2021
Member of the Research Council of the Faculty of Nursing
2017- 2021
Physiotherapist in Hazrat-e Ghaem Hospital - Bushehr
Rehabilitation expert of the welfare organization - Bushehr
Head of Rehabilitation `s deputy of Welfare Organization of Bushehr Province
counselor of the Welfare Directorate of Bushehr Province
2012 Apr-2012 Sep
Collaboration with the General Directorate and participating in the development of national standards as a member of the Technical Commission as follows:
- Auxiliary products for people with visual impairment and people with visual and hearing impairment
- Audio and touch signals for pedestrian traffic lights
- - Hearing Aids-Part 14-Features of a Digital Interface Device
Membership in the military service exemption commission of the Bushehr Welfare Organization
Co-operation with the Voice and Satellite Center of Bushehr Province on the Issues of Disabled and Elderly
Membership in the Research Committee of the Office of Welfare of Bushehr Province
Secretary of the Strategic Committee of the Welfare Organization of Bushehr Province
Member of the Iran Medical Organization
Active participation in student mobilization of Shiraz University of medical sciences in undergraduate degree
Member of the brilliant talent unit - Top rank in the three semester courses of thsente Ph.D. course (Grade 06/19)
Member of the board of directors of the aging branch of the Iranian physiotherapy association
MEMBERSHIP OF Iranian Physiotherapy Association
Department of health promotion, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
Rehabilitation and welfare (BSc students)
Geriatrics health (BSc students)
Department of health promotion &Ageing, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
- Ethical and legal issues in older adults (MSc students)
2017- 2017
Department of Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
- Research Method (BSc & MSc students)
- Griatric Nursing (BSc students)
- Mental health problems in older adults(MSc students)
2017- 2019
Department of Dental, Bushehr University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
- Dental Gerontology (Professional PhD)
2017- present
Department of Ageing, University of Social Welfare & Rehabilitation, Tehran, IR Iran
- Frailty in older adults (PhD students)
- Basic of rehabilitation (MSc students)
- Mental health problems in older adults(MSc students)
2014- 2015
· Care for frail elderly
· Family caregiving in older adults
· Memory and cognition problems in older adults
· Cognitive rehabilitation
· quality of life in older adults
Comparison of family functioning ، quality of life and parental stress in families of children with and without Disability in Bushehr city: 2020
M Saddogh, Master nursing, My role:adviser
Association between Oral Health status with cognitive impairment in community dwelling older adult of Bushehr city2020
B Porkhan, My role:adviser
Assessing the quality of life and affecting factors in the elderly living in Bushehr city using the SF-12 questionnaire
kaveh Same , MPH, My role:adviser
“The relationship between ageing perception and perceived social support with adherence to treatment in chronic disease elderly patients in Bushehr 2018”
R Nazarian, Master nursing, My role:adviser
“Study of dimensions of post-traumatic growth and its relationship with coping styles and sense of coherence in mothers of children with dissability in Bushehr 2017-18”
Aynaz Moradi, Master nursing, My role:adviser
“Comparison of depression and cognitive function in patients with and without diabetes in elderly people in Bushehr; 2017”
Mehdi Ghaneiyan, Master nursing, My role:adviser
“Associations between perceived social support and loneliness and outcomes of mental health problems of the elderly in Bushehr 2018”
Najmeh Dokohaki, Master nursing, My role:adviser
‘The Relationship of Social Participation with Cognitive Function and Mental Health of the Older adults with Chronic Illness in Bushehr City, 2017”
Roya Zaki zadeh, Master nursing, My role:adviser
‘The Relationship between Depression and Spritual health in Elderly People in of Bushehr City”
Marzieh Pour Ghavimi, master nursing, My role:adviser
“Th effect of ergonomic principles’ instructions on the dental students’ postures in bushehr university of medical sciences in 2017-18”
Najmeh Saadatmand, & Faezeh Fakhraei,, My role:adviser
“Associations between Awareness and Attitude TowardsAging with Job Stress in formal caregivers of nursing homes in Tehran”
Saeed Frouzandeh, Master of Rehabilitation Management, My role:adviser
Gholizade, Mohamad & Farhadi, Akram & Marzban, Maryam & Mahmudpour, Mehdi & Nabipour, Iraj & Kalantarhormozi, Mohammadreza & Shafiee, Gita & Ostovar, Afshin & Larijani, Bagher & Darabi, Amir & Safavi, Eisa (2022). Association between platelet, white blood cell count, platelet to white blood cell ratio and sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults: focus on Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program, BMC Geriatrics, DOI:10.21203/rs.3.rs-890375/v1
Marzban, M., Farhadi, A*., Asadipooya, K., (...), Darabi, A.H., Kalantarhormozi, M. (2021). Evaluation of different anthropometric indices and association with metabolic syndrome in community-dwelling older adults: Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program. Obesity Medicine. 30. 100387. 10.1016/j.obmed.2021.100387.
Farhadi A, Bagherzadeh R, Moradi A, Nemati R, Sadeghmoghadam L. The relationship between professional self-concept and work-related quality of life of nurses working in the wards of patients with COVID-19. BMC nursing. 2021 Dec;20(1):1-8.
Marzban, Maryam & Nabipour, Iraj & Farhadi, Akram* & Ostovar, Afshin & Larijani, Bagher & Darabi, Amir & Shabankari, Elnaz & Gholizade, Mohamad. (2021). Association between anemia, physical performance and cognitive function in Iranian elderly people: evidence from Bushehr Elderly Health (BEH) program. BMC Geriatrics. 21. 10.1186/s12877-021-02285-9.
Vahedparast, Hakimeh & Nazarian, R. & Bagherzadeh, R. & Farhadi, A*.. (2021). The Predictor Role of Perceived Social Support and Aging Perception in Treatment Adherence of Older Adults with Chronic Diseases. Advances in Gerontology. 11. 181-189. 10.1134/S2079057021020168.
Ganjoo, M. Farhadi, Akram, Baghbani, Reza, Daneshi, Safieh, Nemati, Reza (2021). "Association between health locus of control and perceived stress in college student during the COVID-19 outbreak: a cross-sectional study in Iran." BMC Psychiatry
Nazari S, Farokhnezhad Afshar P, Sadegh Moghdada L, Namazi Shabestari A, Farhadi A, Sadeghi N K. Association Between Perceived Social Support and Mental Health Status Among Older Adults. J Holist Nurs Midwifery. 2021; 31 (3) :147-154
Nemati R, Moradi A, Marzban M, Farhadi A*. The association between moral distress and mental health among nurses working at selected hospitals in Iran during the COVID-19 pandemic. Work. 2021;70(4):1039-1046. doi: 10.3233/WOR-210558. PMID: 34842218.
Jaafari Z, Farhadi A, Amin Lari F, Mousavi F S, Moltafet H, et al. Prevalence of Depression in Iranian College Students: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2021;15(1):e101524. doi: 10.5812/ijpbs.101524.
Najme Showraki, Faeze Fakhraei, Najme Saadatmand,Akram Farhadi* ,The Effect of Ergonomic Principles Training on the Work Conditions of Dental Students
Sadeghmoghadam L, Ahmadi babadi S, Delshad Noghabi A, Nazari Sh, Namazi Shabestari A , Farhadi A*, Effect of telenursing on aging perception of Iranian older adults
Eisa Safavi, Maryam Marzban, Leila Sadeghmoghaddam, Akram Farhadi*, Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in older women: a comparison between community-dwelling persons and nursing home residents in Southwest of Iran
Hakimeh Vahedparast , Eesa Mohammadi , Fazlollah Ahmadi , Akram Farhadi,The Role of Social Support in adherence to Treatment Regimens: Experiences of Patients with Chronic Diseases
Frouzandeh S, Farhadi A, Foroughan M, Hosseini M A, Biglarian A. The Relationship of Nursing Home
Caregivers’ Awareness and Attitude Towards Elderlies with their Job. JNKUMS. 2018; 9 (3) :445-452
Farhadi A, Foroughan M, Mohammadi F, Rassouli M, Noroozian M, Nazari S, Sadeghmoghadam L, Sadeghi N. Validity and Reliability of the Persian Version of the Revised Caregiving Appraisal Scale in Iranian Family Caregivers of Older Adults with Dementia. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2017;19(1).
Farhadi A, Foroughan M, Mohammadi F, Rassouli M, Sadegh Moghadam L, Nazari S et al . Caregiving Appraisal in Family Caregivers of Older Adults. sija. 2016; 11 (1) :8-19
SADEGH ML, DELSHAD NA, FARHADI A*, NAZARI S, ESHGHIZADE M, CHOPANVAFA F, NIAZI EM. Life Satisfaction in older adults: Role of Perceived Social Support.
Sadegh Moghadam L, Foroughan M, Mohammadi F, Ahmadi F, Farhadi A, Nazari S et al . Aging Perception in Older Adults. sija. 2016; 10 (4) :202-209
Nazari S, Foroughan M, Mohammadi Shahbolaghi F, Rassouli M, Sadegh Moghadam L, Farhadi A et al . Analysis of the Psychometric Properties of the Perceived Social Support Scales in Older Adults. sija. 2016; 10 (4) :210-218
Nazari S, Foroughan M, Shahboulaghi FM, Rassouli M, Sadeghmoghadam L, Farhadi A, Shabestari AN. Perceived social support in Iranian older adults: A qualitative study. Educational Gerontology. 2016 Jun 2;42(6):443-52.
Moghadam LS, Foroughan M, Shahboulaghi FM, Ahmadi F, Sajjadi M, Farhadi A. Validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Brief Aging Perceptions Questionnaire in Iranian older adults. Clinical interventions in aging. 2016;11:507.
Abedi S, Foroughan M, Khanjani M S, Bakhshi E A, Farhadi A. Relationship Between Meaning of Life and Spiritual Well-being in the Older People Residing in Nursing Homes Shemiranat, 2014 . sija. 2016; 11 (3) :456-465
Papari E, Bastami M, Farhadi A, Abedini SS, Hosseini M, Bahman I, Mohseni M, Garshasbi M, Moheb LA, Behjati F, Kahrizi K. Investigation of primary microcephaly in Bushehr province of Iran: novel STIL and ASPM mutations. Clinical genetics. 2013 May;83(5):488-90.
Farhadi A, Foroughan M, Mohammadi F, Sahranavard M. The Effect of Healthy Lifestyle Educational Program on Rural Elderly’s Quality of Life in Dashti District of Boushehr Province. sija. 2013; 8 (3) :35-43
Papari MB, Farhadi A, Hosseini M, Abedini IB, Sedigheh S, Mohseni M, Banihashemi S, Arjangi S, Behjati F, Kahrizi K, Najmabadi H. Genetic Causes of Mental Retardation in Bushehr Province. Journal of Rehabilitation. 2013 Jan 15;13(4):58-64.
Farhadi A, Foroughan M, Mohammadi F. The Quality of Life Among Rural Elderlies A Cross-sectional Study. sija. 2011; 6 (2)
(1) International Congress "Religious Culture and Thought" in 2013. Scientific referee
(2) Comprehensive Seminar on Aging Medicine-september 2014- Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Institute of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.participator
(3) Investigating the relationship between loneliness with fear of falling and the quality of life of the elderly woman living in the community. Seniority and Health Congress.Shiraz.february2015.poster prezentation
Technical Skills
· Computer skills including Microsoft Office, Endnote,
· Custom data processing and analysis using and SPSS
· Dynamometers (Biodex)
· Acceptance MCHE Language Test
· journal of Gerontology
· Iranian Journal of Ageing.
· Nursing Journal of the vulnerable groups
Editorial board member in ,journal of gerontology
2018- Present
Editorial board member,in Nursing Journal of the vulnerable
2018- Present
1. Fall in older adults presented at Bushehr university of medical sciences (Medical deputy) -2018
2. Griatrics rehabilitation presented at Shiraz university of medical sciences(School of rehabilitation) -2018
3. Dementia presented at Bushehr university of medical sciences(Heart hospital) -2017
4. Diabetic mellitus in older adults presented at Bushehr university of medical sciences (Khalij Fars hospital) -2017
5. Healthy life style in older adults presented at Bushehr university of medical sciences () -2017
6. Rehabilitation of the Elderly" panel at the Seminar on Exercise Therapy - September 2013- presented at Tehran Olympic Hotel
7. Participate in the Comprehensive seminar on aging medicine- Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Institute of Tehran University of Medical Sciences- -september-2014
8. Poster presentation entitled "Investigating the relationship between loneliness with fear of falling and the quality of life of the elderly woman living in the community"- national congress on aging and health-shiraz-february2015
9. Presentation of the article as a lecture at the Home Care Congress on a community-based rehabilitation course entitled "An overview of the concept of care assessment in the elderly family carers" - Tehran-November. 2015
10. Scientific referee at the International Congress "Religious Culture and Thought"-2013
11. Presentation of the article as a lecture at the International Congress of GERONTOLOGY and Elderly Medicine
12. Poster presentation entitled "Quality of Life in the Rural Elderly; A Study in Dashti Township of Bushehr Province" at the Health Promotion Conference on Adolescence – Mazandaran-2012
13. Poster presentation entitled "Investigating the relationship between demographic factors and the quality of life of rural elderly people in Dashti city of Bushehr province" in Kermanshah-2012
· How to write an article? (11 hours)
· How to publish the article? ( one-day)
· Familiar with library resources(5 hours)
· Criticism and Review of Scientific Papers (Two Days)
· End-note referral software (one-day) -2014
· Qualitative Research Method - Grounded Theory (Two Days)
· Qualitative data analysis (one day
· Interview in qualitative research (one day)
· Systematic review (two days)
· Content analysis (one day) -2013
· Combined researches (two days) -2013
· Researche Tools Validation (two days) -2013
· Hidden population sampling (two days) 2014
· Advanced Search Electronic Resources 1.2 and 3 (Three Days)
· Testing in the field of health (three days) -2014
· Essay Writing(one day)-2014
· Data analysis with SPSS- preliminary and Advanced (5-day) -2015
· Confirmatory and Exploratory Factor Analysis - With LaserL-Amos Software (One Day), 2015
· Neurological Rehabilitation Workshop at Khatam Al-Nabia Hospital (Healing Neurology Research Center) - Tehran - With Prof. Wilson and Dr. Wingardner from England